Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better. – Maya Angelou

Mr. Walker's Classroom Blog

Category: Hack

  • 15 Methods to Master Your Time


  • AI & College Applications

    NYTimes has an informative piece on using AI to not only help with idea generation but also search for important information in an extended manner. Gift article link is here. I find it amazing that anyone attempts passing off final work as their own. It isn’t that simple folks!

  • Google Search Trick

    A trick appeared in the Recommendo weekly newsletter on using Google Search. I have read about this, and recognize the reminders when I used Google Search and I still don’t use it regularly if at all: An under-appreciated Google search trick is to focus your search by excluding all unwanted alternative meanings — you append…

  • Tidy Up Your Electronic Devices to Start The Year

    Apply the KonMari methods by tidying up your digital world and in so doing, make it a little faster and more secure. Wirecutter (from NYTimes) posted 7 Steps to Tidying Your Digital Life this morning and following my principal doing at least one thing from articles and/or lists that resonate with me, I chose Step…

  • Simon Weckert: Performance & Installation, 2020

    With its Geo Tools, Google has created a platform that allows users and businesses to interact with maps in a novel way. This means that questions relating to power in the discourse of cartography have to be reformulated. But what is the relationship between the art of enabling and techniques of supervision, control and regulation…