Tag: Infographic
Famous Movie Quotes as Charts
Dr. Nathan Yau, PhD from FlowingData.com has charted the 100 most memorable quotes from American movies, as selected by the American Film Institute, into a data visualization series called Famous Movie Quotes as Charts. He had designed the first handful of them a few years ago, but only recently got back into the project and…
Timeline of the far future
What’s the future of the human race and our beloved planet Earth? The Timeline of the Far Future from the BBC plots out predicted events for the next 1,000, 1,000,000 and up to 100 Quintillion years into the future! As it is the beginning of the year we at BBC Future think it’s the perfect…
The Physics of Santa
And this children of all ages, is why Insurance companies are …. (insert your own punchline here). The contemplation of such a world, without wonder and magic, is beyond belief. As the original Infographic is rife with writing errors and missing digits in numbers after commas, it isn’t worth believing.