Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better. – Maya Angelou

Mr. Walker's Classroom Blog

Tag: Infographic

  • What is Online Tracking?

    From the Daily Infographic Big Brother is at it again you guys, and in 2013 it is worse than ever. New technology means tracking user habits and preferences has become even easier. Of course we all know Facebook will sell our soul to Russia and we seem okay with it, but your privacy is invaded…

  • The 30 Most Popular WordPress Plugins: January, 2013

    Our infographic today, courtesy of WP, is all about the 30 most popular WordPress plugins, as determined by their total number of downloads.  Hopefully, if you are planning to set up a WordPress site for the first time, this infographic will give you some ideas and inspiration for which plugins to consider WP Template…

  • Is The Game Console Dying?

    From the Daily Infographic, no time to think or write about this, Happy New Year. Although console games today are still selling remarkably well in some cases (notably the Call of Duty and Halo franchises), it seems that they are quickly being caught up to by mobile and tablet games. Mobile and tablet games offer…

  • The Worst U.S. City for Smartphone Theft

    According to data highlighted in an infographic by gadget-insurance company Protect Your Bubble with taken from various studies — including Lookout’s Mobile Lost & Found survey smartphone theft or loss is most likely to occur in Philly, followed by Seattle and Oakland, respectively.