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10 Interesting QR Codes
From a post on the OEDb website, reprinted here so we can look at these in the classroom. Ellyssa Kroski did a nice job finding these.
Over the past year I’ve seen more and more businesses and organizations make use of QR bar codes for marketing and disseminating information through the mobile platform. And they’ve become increasingly creative with their designs. Here are ten in particular which are striking either in their appearance or innovative uses of these 2-D bar codes.
Artist Yiying Lu has reworked the QR code into artwork, presenting a series of works called “Beautiful Traps,” each involving women wearing hats with carnivorous plants. Read more here.
The same artist, Australian-based Yiying Lu has created a series of illustrations of fashion personalities each sporting QR codes that lead to the name of the fashion icon and background information on them. Read more at Lu’s website here.
Lane Joplin and Stephanie Klaiber at Neustar have created this delicious-looking QR code made entirely out of chocolate bars, just in time for Halloween! Read more here.
Similarly, the folks at RedPepper created a giant QR code made out of 441 OREOs – and more than 35 were rumored to have disappeared during the process! Read more here.
Also in time for Halloween is this QR Code Zombie, created by Jerry Gross for a Zombie Film Festival in Leicester, UK. Read more here.
These Disney Japan QR Codes are just one of the many beautiful QR codes discussed by Web Designer Depot in the timely article Designed QR codes: the next level.
Quiring Monuments has integrated QR barcodes into cemetery headstones to transform them into interactive monuments. See the demonstration video here.
This beer company’s bottle caps QR Code is just one of 15 Creative QR Codes discussed at Mashable. Check out all of them here.
The folks at QR Arts created this delicious M & M QR code. Check out the rest of their designs on their website.
The folks at Mashable discuss How To: Make Your QR Codes More Beautiful. They suggest employing techniques such as those seen here, softening hard edges with round corners to make the code look more approachable. Read all their tips here.