Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better. – Maya Angelou

Mr. Walker's Classroom Blog

  • If you have a DLSR, a point and shoot, or a camera on your smartphone.  Read and master these three tips.

    I should stress, these are only for an absolute beginner; if you class yourself as an amateur photographer, you’ll probably laugh.

    The Rule of Thirds

    This really ought to be taught in school, wait, did I just copy that?  It’s so ridiculously easy to learn. Essentially, photos will look better if your subject isn’t centered. I know, that may sound totally counter-intuitive, but hear me out.

    Every digital camera – even your iPhone – comes with a grid option, which overlays two vertical and two horizontal lines on the picture, splitting the image into 9 sections. Enable it now, and look around. Place items of visual interest onto these lines or at the intersections for a better composition. For example – if there’s a horizon in your shot, don’t place it dead in the center – align it along either the top third or bottom third line, depending on whether you want to place focus onto the sky or the ground/sea. If there’s a foreground subject – a person, or a tree – place them against either the left or right third lines.

    This photo from Wikipedia (from user Moondigger) demonstrates the rule effectively.
    photography tips
    On a related note: leading lines encourage a viewer to naturally move “through” your photograph, so including them can stimulate interest. Specifically, this might include a road, a river, or perhaps a short pathway leading out to your subject, or beyond.

    Change your elevation or viewpoint

    Logic dictates that you should take a photograph from eye-level right? Nope. Boring. Move the camera either up or down for a more interesting shot; obviously, this makes seeing the viewfinder somewhat more difficult, which is why a rotatable LCD screen can be a wonderful thing – you can hold the camera high above your head or on the ground, and still see what’s going on. This is especially important when photographing kids or animals.

    Always take photos in full resolution and full quality

    With memory cards so cheap nowadays, there’s absolutely no excuse for dropping the quality down on the camera side – if you need to optimize the image for sharing or sending over email, do this on the computer using any standard photo management app. Why take anything less than the best? The only excusable reason for doing this is to speed up the file saving process if you need to shoot continuously. For most of us, it’s simply a waste.

    Now read the full article at MakeUseOf



    For a full image and more interesting information visit the



  • No longer will they say, “He’s going to end up flipping burgers.” Because now, robots aretaking even these ignobly esteemed jobs. Alpha machine from Momentum Machines cooks up a tasty burger with all the fixins. And it does it with such quality and efficiency it’ll produce “gourmet quality burgers at fast food prices.”

    With a conveyor belt-type system the burgers are freshly ground, shaped and grilled to the customer’s liking. And only when the burger’s finished cooking does Alpha slice the tomatoes and pickles and place them on the burger as fresh as can be. Finally, the machine wraps the burger up for serving.

    And while you fret over how many people you invited to the barbecue, Alpha churns out a painless 360 hamburgers per hour.

    San Francisco-based Momentum Machines claim that using Alpha will save a restaurant enough money that it pays for itself in a year, and it enables the restaurant to spend about twice as much on ingredients as they normally would – so they can buy the gourmet stuff. Saving money with Alpha is pretty easy to imagine. You don’t even need cashiers or servers. Customers could just punch in their order, pay, and wait at a dispensing window.

    Source: Momentum Machines

    For their next model Momentum Machines plans on adding a custom meat grinding feature so it can mix different meats – 1/3 pork, 2/3 bison sounds like a tasty combo – in the same burger. They’ll also give it gourmet cooking abilities that seasoned chefs use such as charring the burger while retaining its juiciness.

    The company plans on launching the first ever restaurant chain with a cook staff made entirely of robots. But not only might we soon find Alpha’s creations at local burger joints, but the company is also targeting convenience stores, food trucks, and somehow even vending machines.

  • From the Daily Infographic

    Big Brother is at it again you guys, and in 2013 it is worse than ever. New technology means tracking user habits and preferences has become even easier. Of course we all know Facebook will sell our soul to Russia and we seem okay with it, but your privacy is invaded way more than you think.

    Travel sites and online shops will raise the price on items if you visit the site, or search for the item often. It is always better to delete your cookies or use an ‘incognito mode’ when shopping online to guarantee the lowest price.

    Google, the company we all know and love knows more about you than your mom. Medical problems, credit scores, religious, political and sexual beliefs are just a few things Google knows about you. Online privacy is a hot-button issue, but like many issues facing the younger generation the current political elite tend to ignore. My state representative and head of The House Science, Space and Technology Committee, Lamar Smith, has a lot of decision making power over the internet and has proposed the privacy killing bill SOPA along with a staunch anti-web voting record.

    The older generation needs to realize that the internet isn’t going anywhere, and protecting its natural state is incredibly important. [Via]


  • Our infographic today, courtesy of WP, is all about the 30 most popular WordPress plugins, as determined by their total number of downloads.  Hopefully, if you are planning to set up a WordPress site for the first time, this infographic will give you some ideas and inspiration for which plugins to consider

    WordPress Most Popular Plugins
    WP Template