We all play games, but not many of us have tried to actually create games. Have you been scared due to all the programming knowledge you think it takes? Well, thanks to the wonders of the web, now there are numerous tools that enable almost anyone to create a video game. You can give it a try using the 20+ tools we gathered! (more…)
9 Highly Functional Web Site UI Designs for Inspiration
I’ve put together this set of home page designs for their functional quality. These are all pretty usable web sites or web apps that are highly getable, and obvious to use.
A site doesn’t have to be cute or stunning to be functionally effective, but it should be appealing enough for you to want to use it. This collection vary widely in style from Web2.0 to more traditional layouts, and also in personality & style, but they share a high ease of use. (more…)
Create and Share Animations with Animasher
To the Creative Commons devotees of the world, an animation engine bids you its first hello today. Animasher is its name, and quick-and-easy animation is its game. Or something a bit less ridiculous sounding. The hipper the better, too. This startup comes out of Stockholm, Sweden, perhaps the epicenter of European cool. (more…)
Moviestorm Releases
Moviestorm is the complete package for creating animated movies – easy to use for novices and fully-featured for advanced moviemakers.
Beloit College Mindset List
This month, almost 2 million first-year students will head off to college campuses around the country. Most of them will be about 18 years old, born in 1990 when headlines sounded oddly familiar to those of today: Rising fuel costs were causing airlines to cut staff and flight schedules; Big Three car companies were facing declining sales and profits; and a president named Bush was increasing the number of troops in the Middle East in the hopes of securing peace. However, the mindset of this new generation of college students is quite different from that of the faculty about to prepare them to become the leaders of tomorrow. (more…)