President’s Day at Macalester College
- Image via Wikipedia
This article is reposted from CollegeWebEditor.com. Please read the original article and follow the comments and related articles there, this repost is for use in my class.
You might have already heard about this YouTube video as several higher ed bloggers (mstonerblog, The Old College Try and edustir among others) and twitterers have mentioned it this week.
President’s Day at Macalester College is a 5-minute online video featuring President Brian Rosenberg.
Not your traditional college president video at all.
This online video is a humorous insider’s tour of Macalester College where the president does all sort of things to showcase the school and its spirit.
Take the time to watch it now if you haven’t yet.
Released on President’s Day – just 4 days ago, the video has more than 15,000 views – it’s not a huge hit in YouTube terms, but it’s definitely a popular video that resonated with the MAC community as some of the comments on YouTube prove it.
Map Wars – Bing Maps
- Image via CrunchBase
Last week at the TED conference in Southern California, Microsoft’s Blaise Aguera y Arcas demonstrated a new crowdsourced-version Bing Maps that integrates photos and even live video that is shared by others. Microsoft will also soon launch what we’ve dubbed “Bing Sky,” the ability to use Bing to look up in the sky and see what’s in space above. Bing also has a blog post with the news.
Microsoft also highlighted its many map applications available for Bing, for those using the Silverlight version:
Microsoft calls the capabilities of the enhanced Bing Maps “spatial search” because it ties search results and content to the real world (or an image of it) and puts those results in geo-spatial context.
Related articles
- Photosynth creator walks us through Bing Maps, gives us a taste of augmented reality’s future (video) (engadget.com)
- Bing Maps Wows ‘Em At TED2010 (slashdot.org)
- Bing Maps embellished with Flickr photos, indoor imagery (venturebeat.com)
- TED2010: Spatial Search – Bing, Flickr, Videos, Maps and the Stars (blogs.technet.com)
- Is Bing Maps quickly getting cooler than Google Maps? (seattlepi.com)
- Blaise Aguera y Arcas demos augmented-reality maps (geeksaresexy.net)
- Flickr, Flickr, Everywhere (flickr.net)
- Bing To Use Flickr Photos and Live Video In The Future, But Google’s Got Goods Too [Microsoft] (gizmodo.com)
- Bing Maps Shows Slick Flickr Integration (ecombizcenter.blogspot.com)
- Bing Maps Shows Slick Flickr Integration (appscout.com)
- TED 2010: Bing Maps Takes Panoramas Indoors (wired.com)
- Bing Maps now integrating Flickr (blogs.msdn.com)
- Bing Demos StreetSide With Flickr Photos, Live Video & “Bing Sky” (Greg Sterling/Search Engine Land) (techmeme.com)
- Bing’s real advantage – Spatial Search (thenextweb.com)
Google Now Has a Street View Snowmobile
- Image via Wikipedia
First, there was the Google Street View Car, a special vehicle with a 360-degree camera mounted on top that brings us all that detailed Street View imagery. Then, Google engineers invented the Trike, a tricycle with a camera that can reach all those places where Street View Car cannot go.
Neither of those two vehicles, however, can venture out in the snow, and this is why Google created the Google Street View Snowmobile. Just like the Trike, it was invented by Daniel Ratner, and it was created especially for the Winter Olympics in Vancouver, so expect some beautiful imagery on Street View during the event. See a video introduction to the Snowmobile below.
Related articles
- Google Now Has a Street View Snowmobile (mashable.com)
- Yes, there’s a Google Street View Snowmobile now (Kim-Mai Cutler/VentureBeat) (techmeme.com)
- Street View hits the slopes at Whistler (google-latlong.blogspot.com)
- Google Street View Finland, Ski Slopes (blogoscoped.com)
- How Did This Skier’s Bird End Up On Google Street View? [Google Street View] (jalopnik.com)
- Google’s Street View snowmobile takes your voyeurism to the Olympic slopes (engadget.com)
- Hit The Winter Olympics Slopes – On Your PC (news.sky.com)
- Street View spymobile snowmobile prowls Winter Olympics (go.theregister.com)
- Google Street View snowmobile (ubergizmo.com)