- Image via CrunchBase
Last week at the TED conference in Southern California, Microsoft’s Blaise Aguera y Arcas demonstrated a new crowdsourced-version Bing Maps that integrates photos and even live video that is shared by others. Microsoft will also soon launch what we’ve dubbed “Bing Sky,” the ability to use Bing to look up in the sky and see what’s in space above. Bing also has a blog post with the news.
Microsoft also highlighted its many map applications available for Bing, for those using the Silverlight version:
Microsoft calls the capabilities of the enhanced Bing Maps “spatial search” because it ties search results and content to the real world (or an image of it) and puts those results in geo-spatial context.
Related articles
- Photosynth creator walks us through Bing Maps, gives us a taste of augmented reality’s future (video) (engadget.com)
- Bing Maps Wows ‘Em At TED2010 (slashdot.org)
- Bing Maps embellished with Flickr photos, indoor imagery (venturebeat.com)
- TED2010: Spatial Search – Bing, Flickr, Videos, Maps and the Stars (blogs.technet.com)
- Is Bing Maps quickly getting cooler than Google Maps? (seattlepi.com)
- Blaise Aguera y Arcas demos augmented-reality maps (geeksaresexy.net)
- Flickr, Flickr, Everywhere (flickr.net)
- Bing To Use Flickr Photos and Live Video In The Future, But Google’s Got Goods Too [Microsoft] (gizmodo.com)
- Bing Maps Shows Slick Flickr Integration (ecombizcenter.blogspot.com)
- Bing Maps Shows Slick Flickr Integration (appscout.com)
- TED 2010: Bing Maps Takes Panoramas Indoors (wired.com)
- Bing Maps now integrating Flickr (blogs.msdn.com)
- Bing Demos StreetSide With Flickr Photos, Live Video & “Bing Sky” (Greg Sterling/Search Engine Land) (techmeme.com)
- Bing’s real advantage – Spatial Search (thenextweb.com)
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