Tag: Computer Science
Video Games and Storytelling
Daniel Floyd’s ten minute YouTube video, “Video Games and Storytelling,” is a video lecture you won’t soon forget. Reminiscent of “RSA Animate – Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us,” about Dan Pink’s book “Drive,” this video by Daniel Floyd is the most intense, “rapid-fire” visual presentation of related images I’ve seen in a video lecture…
Game Programmers: Download Unreal Development Kit for Summer Fun
The world’s best game engine … Now at your fingertips. Experience the power and potential of Unreal Engine 3 on PC and iOS. Create lifelike scenes and fantastic worlds with the same toolset used to make Gears of War and Infinity Blade. Go ahead, make something Unreal. Download the May UDK Beta
Thomas Suarez – iPhone Application Developer… and 6th Grader
Thomas Suarez is a 6th grade student at a middle school in the South Bay of Los Angeles. When Apple released the Software Development Kit (SDK), he began to create and sell his own applications. “My parents, my friends and even the people at the Apple store all supported me,” he says, “and Steve Jobs…