Category: Miscellaneous
650 Prompts for Narrative and Personal Writing
This is an amazing PDF of all 650 prompts from this NYTimes article! Every school day since 2009 we’ve asked students a question based on an article in The New York Times. Now, seven years later, and in honor of the Oct. 20 National Day on Writing, we’ve collected 650 of them that invite narrative…
Computer Vision Can’t Do It All Yet
Try the link for class From the and if you read it ON the web site you get a host of interesting links, interactive articles, comments and related articles. This copy is for class. The front seat of a GM driverless car model from 2012. CreditJeff Swensen for The New York Times…
Google Search: What Can it Do Today
From the Google Blog Search is a Jack of all trades, wait, you can play a friend on Tic-Tac-Toe? From Search? Guess what I am thinking. Today we’re dealing two new hands from the Google Search deck: solitaire and tic-tac-toe. Now you can play two of the oldest and most popular games for all ages,…