Category: Miscellaneous
Google Secret X Lab Creates “AI” To Identify Cats
I know, I know, more of MrWalker and his never ending quest to demonstrate that Cats and not people are the most valuable “product” on the Internet. Catbook is going to take over Facebook, you wait and see. Still, this is an interesting article on getting the network to think. Read the entire article and…
China Secretly Clones US High School
Hugh Pickens did not write about this when he wrote “A scenic mountain village in Austria called Hallstatt has been copied, down to the statues”, and this has also been missed in all of the major news papers, almost as if it never happened. "A scenic high school in Gresham, Oregon, USA called Gresham High…
Maker Faire 2012
A collection of thoughts and tweets and photos and videos from Maker Faire, May 19-20 at the San Mateo Fairgrounds. [View the story "Maker Faire 2012" on Storify]
Purdue Sets World Record with Largest Rube Goldberg Machine
Congratulations to the Purdue Society of Professional Engineers team. This weekend, the team broke its own world record for the Largest Functional Rube Goldberg Machine. The invention took only 300 steps to blow up and pop a balloon.