Category: Miscellaneous
15 Grammar Goofs That Make You Look Silly
With the help of the infographic below, those lapses can come less frequently. It shines light on the usual culprits, such as the tricky it’s/its decision and affect versus effect. The infographic also shines light on how to properly use the apostrophe and the correct spellings of commonly misspelled words.
Is This Robot Disarmingly Friendly or Skynet?
The NYTimes ran the article A Robot With a Reassuring Touch two days ago. What do you think? A reminder, I copy SOME of the article so it remains available for class, but make sure to read the actual article to see links to other articles, multimedia, and all sorts of extras. Evan McGlinn for…
Lucky and Unlucky Numbers Around the World
So here’s a pretty cool infographic for ya’ll, Lucky and Unlucky Numbers Around the World. Like the title suggest today’s infographic looks at the different unlucky numbers in various cultures around the world. Admittedly I am not very superstitious although I certainly try to not do things that may bring me bad luck. Here in…