Category: Computer Science
Microsoft Imagine Cup Kodu Challenge
Microsoft launched the Imagine Cup Kodu Challenge, a new competition that offers students as young as nine years old the chance to build a game with Kodu, a visual programming language. Microsoft collaborated with the Joan Gantz Cooney Center, an organization that studies how kids learn from and use digital media, and Mercy Corps, a…
NYTimes: It’s My Birthday Too, Yeah
I was explaining to my class the other day that given our class sizes it is better than 50-50 that two students have the same birthday. But hard to explain. So I give them this article. Article below By STEVEN STROGATZ Me, Myself and Math, a six-part series by Steven Strogatz, looks at us…
Video Games and Storytelling
Daniel Floyd’s ten minute YouTube video, “Video Games and Storytelling,” is a video lecture you won’t soon forget. Reminiscent of “RSA Animate – Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us,” about Dan Pink’s book “Drive,” this video by Daniel Floyd is the most intense, “rapid-fire” visual presentation of related images I’ve seen in a video lecture…
For One Monopoly Token, the Days Are Numbered
From the NYTimes By VIJAI SINGH Courtesy of Hasbro The original version of Monopoly has eight game pieces. The game’s manufacturer plans to replace one of them. Despite the onslaught of high-tech games played on smartphones, tablets and giant flat-screen televisions, some old-fashioned board games played at a more methodical pace endure. Of those, perhaps…