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50 Best Free Tools To Create Perfect Color Combinations
The following archival copy is only in the event the original article disappears, I use this blog for my classes. Please go back and read the full article from the original site. It is simply a matter of honorably allowing the advertisers to provide their services and pay for this kind of well written article. I will also add that the related articles and comments are the best part of the online experience and not reproduced here.
Read the article at http://www.smashingapps.com/2009/12/17/50-best-free-tools-to-create-perfect-color-combinations.html
Color Scheme Designer is a brand new interface, as well as the engine, all rewritten from the scratch. Rapidly increased precision and color space conversions, better preview, enhanced scheme creation system, unique scheme IDs and permanent URL of the scheme.
The Color Wizard is a color matching application for anyone who wants to create designs with great looking colors.
Contrast-A: Find Accessible Color Combinations
The application allows users to experiment with color combinations, examine them under the aspect of accessibility guidelines and to create custom color palettes.
The web-hosted application for generating color themes that can inspire any project. No matter what you’re creating, with Kuler you can experiment quickly with color variations and browse thousands of themes from the Kuler community.
Spin the color wheel and get a selection of three random colors. The color wheel randomizes among some 16 million colors. And since each spin produces three different colors, that gives endless combinations. (or 2 to the power of 70 or so, which is a very large number). Enough to keep anyone busy for a while.
The Sessions Color Calculator is an interactive color wheel that helps designers select HTML, RGB, or CMYK colors and identifies color harmonies and schemes. Our Color Wheel works faster than any other color wheel or html color chart.
This color schemer is a simple tool to help you experiment with various color schemes for your next web or print project.
Click around within the shaded box to set the saturation and brightness, or within the rainbow to set the hue. You can also enter a particular value directly into one of the boxes.
Matching colors will be automatically chosen. You can click on one to set it as the primary color.
It is a tool for checking foreground and background color combinations of all DOM elements and determining if they provide sufficient contrast when viewed by someone having color deficits.
This is a great tool to use if you want to develop a matching color scheme for your site. Say you want your nav color to be #000066 (navy blue) and you want to know what colors would go best with it, this tool will help you.
Color Combinations and Color Schemes
Here you’re sure to find the perfect color combination for your project. This site was built to help web developers quickly select and test website color combinations.
Let Yahoo pick your color scheme! Enter a word or phrase and I’ll grab 5 related images from Yahoo Images, and get the 6 most prominent colors from each.
Used alone or in conjunction with our other creation tools, Toucan gives you the features you need to inject color into your creative process.
Ever wonder what colors to use with an image? Upload your image – get a color pallette
Daily Color Scheme is all about color. Every day color, they serve a new colorscheme every day of the year, to keep the designers head fueled with inspirational and usable color schemes.
Slayeroffice Color Palette Creator
It will create 10 shades of the base color, located top-left, at varying degrees of opacity. The top row emulates opacity over a white background, the bottom over black (or colors of your choosing as of v1.4). The opacity values are 100% opaque, 75%, 50%, 25% and 10% on the top row. The bottom row begins at 85% rather than 100% and continues on as the first.
COPASO is an advanced color palette tool that helps you create the perfect color schemes and themes. With a scratch pad to save colors you’re working with, a photo tool to extract colors and an advanced color picker and color theory wheel to give you tons of color inspiration. Using COPASO you can save your palettes to a private folder or download them to your local computer.
Enter the URL of an image to get a color palette that matches the image. This is useful for coming up with a website color palette that matches a key image a client wants to work with.
Generate a color palette based on an image.
CSS Drive’s Image to Colors Palette Generator!
Upload an image to generate a color palette based on the image’s primary colors. Useful for quickly grabbing a particular color within an image for inspiration.
This web site is dedicated to the display of color combinations, changing css styles, and displaying many powerful and unique color tools and font tools.
Palette Man is a color palette-generation program that’s geared toward web designers. You’re allowed to select 5 colors from the 216-color web-safe palette and see how they interact.
A brand spanking new way of working with digital colors! With the colorful toolbox at ColorExplorer you can easily create, manage, and explore color palettes for use in web designs, desktop publishing, or any other graphic design process.
Go ahead! – get started on your colorful and creative voyage into the world of hues, spot colors, red, greens, yellow, and blues!
Automatically create a color palette from any photo.
Kolur is a simple (and hopefully) enjoyable way to browse color palettes. Designs displayed in our gallery go beyond the generic 3 colored dots, and attempt to portray the possibilities in palettes.
Color Codes Matching Chart HTML
Note that the conversions in this color codes chart are best described as “nominal”. They will produce an invertible conversion between the RGB code and a subset of CMYK; that is, one can take an RGB color code and convert to certain CMYK colors, and from these CMYK colors obtain the matching, original RGB codes.
Color Hunter is a place to find and make color palettes created from images.
Color Match is a website tool showing how to match website colors and help in choosing a website color scheme or color code. Also displays the HTML Color Code.
GrayBit is an online accessibility testing tool designed to visually convert a full-color web page into a grayscale rendition for the purpose of visually testing the page’s perceived contrast.
ColourMod originally made its debut as a web-based DHTML Dynamic Colour Picker. Since the inception of OS X from Apple, ColourMod has been ported to the Dashboard interface and is fully functional in OS X Tiger and Leopard.
Advanced Eyedropper, Color Picker, Palette Viewer and other colorful goodies for your Firefox
Pick a color value format, input two valid CSS color values in the format you chose, and pick the number of midpoints you’d like to see. The palette will show the colors you input as well as the requested number of midpoint colors, and the values of those colors.
Your free online tool for color matching and palette design!
ColourGrab is about er.. colours! Type a URL of any online image below and our system will tell you the most used colours from that image, and as a result give you some inspirtation! Not bad if you ask me! So without further-ado,
To visualize color combinations, roll over the swatches to change the color of the elements.
ColorMunki is the industry’s hottest all-in-one color solution that delivers unparalleled color control and color creation tools for photo and design digital workflows.
From your RGB colors it creates colors complements, harmonies and themes.
It can be used to easily generate a Web site color theme or to select good trim and accent colors for your home decorations.
Related articles
- Create Project Wiki: Talk:Open Color Standard (create.freedesktop.org)
- Best 13 Online Color Tools The Magic Of Colours (slideshare.net)
- Publishing content in CMYK (blogs.adobe.com)
- Coloring with Adobe Kuler (macworld.com)
- How does 1 trillion colors sound? Sharp QuadPixel TVs can do it (dvice.com)

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