Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better. – Maya Angelou

Mr. Walker's Classroom Blog

Category: Design

  • 100 Design Inspiration Resources

    Go to the article at for all of the 100 Great Resources for Design Inspiration. Not always as simple as it sounds, whether you’ve been designing for years or only weeks. Below is a collection of 100 great web resources to find inspiration and direction on your next project, whether it be online or…

  • 960 Grid System

    The 960 Grid System was created by Nathan Smith as a way to streamline web development workflow by providing commonly used dimensions, based on a width of 960 pixels. The (or any CSS framework) was primarily developed for rapid prototyping, cutting down on repetitive and tedious tasks, but is also more than suited to…

  • Useful CSS Tips for Beginners

    Thanks to the CSS and it’s flexibility, styles can be extract independently away from the codes. Now, with some basic understanding of CSS, even a novice can easily change the style of a website. Whether you are interested in picking up CSS to create your own website, or merely to tweak your blog’s look and…

  • Mozilla Service Week

    Mozilla Service Week! Be the Difference We believe the Internet should make life better. Join us the week of September 14-21, 2009, as we take action to make a difference in our communities, our world, our Web.

  • Personas Lesson Plan on Moodle

    A great lesson plan on Firefox Personas, using Moodle originally, reformatted for the Web.   Originally from Brad Cook, Graphics teacher at Gresham High School. FIREFOX ADD-ON PERSONASCUSTOM Websites: All you need to do is create two graphics files in your favorite graphics editing program (e.g., Photoshop). To get started read more about how to…